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Man And Robot Society


Label: Sound Effect

Genre: Electronica / Ambient / Experimental


  • LP €21.99
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This is the product of Tempe, Arizona based studio wizard Jeff Hopp and a must for any electronica/kraut/space freak. Influenced by early Tangerine Dream and Jean Michelle Jarre, Man and Robot Society do not come up with your usual dystopian concept, but a rather humanistic take on the man/machine dilemma, with a liberating prospect and some sort of feminine hint to its core. Its musicality is a living proof that it can be done!

The distinction between humans and machines will someday be almost unrecognizable. The merging of man and machine has begun. This is the driving theme behind Man and Robot Society and its latest creation Robosapien. Man and Robot Society is musician and song writer Jeff Hopp. “Technology has a way of amplifying our inner nature and revealing our most creative and destructive sides. As we merge into a man and machine hybrid, we have a very unique evolutionary opportunity – we can actually choose what we want to become. Will we become more and more a smart phone zombie, or blossom into an intellectual and physical super hero? I feel it will be a struggle to keep our humanity. This is reflected in my studio and the music of Robosapien. Technology and state of the art electronic synthesizers are core elements of the production, but I would never want the machines to control me. Am I the master or are the machines? This battle is persistent and ever present. It seems to get harder and harder to remain musically open hearted the more advanced my studio becomes. As technology helps me create music impossible to make without it, it will reveal who I am as a musician and as a person, and I do fear the robot I may become.”