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Asteroid Lost

Man And Robot Society

Asteroid Lost

Label: Sound Effect

Genre: Electronica / Ambient / Experimental


  • LP €24.99
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Asteroid Lost, a space opera, tells the story of the Nekropol, a mighty starship on a cosmic quest for nascent sentient beings. The planet's name at the center of this tale is inconsequential; it represents myriad worlds throughout history. Crucially, its denizens revered the Nekropol's masters as deities, ascending them to Overlords. In servitude, they forged Comet Probes for mining precious minerals and assembled armies of Men of Steel for their Overlords' defense against dissenters known as the Non-Believers. Yet, a few resisted the Overlords' enchantments. These desert dwellers became the Nomads of the Sand, establishing covert Forbidden Caravans to maintain their freedom. Some harbored dreams of liberation. Over time, they grasped their inescapable fate: eternal voyagers aboard a doomed ark - a celestial body adrift - an Asteroid Lost.

Asteroid Lost is an epic musical journey from Man and Robot Society. It’s a spiritual space voyage produced by Greece’s premiere record label Sound Effect Records that is a unique blend of electronic, rock, prog and ambient music that takes listeners on a journey through time and space.