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Beneath The Desert Floor Chapter 8: Visions Of The Celestial


Beneath The Desert Floor Chapter 8: Visions Of The Celestial

Label: Ripple Music

Genre: Stoner / Post Metal / Industrial Rock


  • LP €27.99
    In Stock
Early, turn of the century, ground breaking stoner rock from New Zealand rom All Music "Judging from Visions for the Celestial, this New Zealand power trio has it all: a very strong rock guitarist recalling Frank Marino or even Jimi Hendrix, a solid singer with a warm voice capable of excitement and a potent rhythm section. Somewhere between blues rock and space rock, Datura is part the Jimi Hendrix Experience, part ZZ Top with a zest of Hawkwind and Meddle-era Pink Floyd for flavor. This is in space rock country, but in power trio format -- swirling keyboards are occasional and only the 15-minute closer "Mantra" is overtly spacy. Entering the album by the front door, you'll be greeted by "Magnetize," a powerful Hendrixian blues rock number with decibels aplenty. . . This band is surprisingly solid and mature. What they do, they do very well, and guitar fans and nostalgic persons of a time when rock was visceral should definitely listen to Visions for the Celestial."

Blue marble vinyl.