Niilend Alkis
Televised Dream
Label: Pk Records
Genre: Jazz / Avant Garde
- CD €15.99 Dispatched within 5-10 working days
“Alkis Niilend is among the most promising young guitarists and musicians emerging from Greece and Europe today,” says Petros Klampanis, founder of the PiKayMusic label, which is proud to share Televised Dream with the world. “Alkis’ mature sound, compositions and storytelling set him apart. It’s a pleasure to collaborate on this impressive debut, a testament to Alkis’ artistry.” (Klampanis, an in-demand bassist, tours internationally with Grammy-winning vocalist Arooj Aftab when he’s not leading his own inspired projects and showcasing new artists on his label.)
Joined by vocalist Anastasia Konstantinidou, saxophonist Dimitris Tsakas, pianist Yiannis Papadopoulos, double bassist Kimon Karoutzos and drummer Dimitris Klonis, Niilend reveals a poised and melodic voice as an improviser. He uses synthesizers in places, as well as layered electric and acoustic guitars, heightening the evocative quality of his themes and orchestrations. “The members of this group,” Niilend declares, “are truly phenomenal musicians and all major inspirations of mine. I am incredibly happy that they took part in this project—the music took on a life of its own as a result.”
On “Goodbye Cinema,” the one track recorded in Niilend’s bedroom (without the band), the leader builds a foundation of beautiful strummed acoustic guitar, playing piano and singing as well as he joins Konstantinidou in passages of lush and moody harmony. “I wanted to create a choir,” Niilend says. “I put pillows up against the wall and a mic right in front and we recorded around 18 voices, half of which were mine, half of which were Anastasia’s. She is a wonderful singer—we went to the same high school and attended Ionian University in Corfu together. I was immediately struck by her unique timbre. We learned how to play together, and I’ve learned how to accompany singers through working with her. I know the ins and outs of her voice and she knows how I compose and play. It’s my most cherished musical relationship in life up until now.”
The title Televised Dream has (in part) to do with a state of total creative absorption, and the understandable fear of being uninspired, cut off from that creativity at the source. “At this point I know that there’s no way for me to lead a creative existence without coming to terms with the fact that I will always be operating within a ‘cycle’ that consists of periods of total inspiration and periods of searching for meaning. Thankfully almost everyone I admire goes through that in their lives and that’s a comforting thought,” Niilend says. “But I had to go through that cycle many times before I could see it as the pattern that it is.”
In a sense, the creative absorption Niilend seeks is child-like, recalling when he would watch TV as a kid and disconnect from his real-life surroundings. “Wonderment being overshadowed by awareness as we grow up is such an interesting development to me. I still try to find the poetry in it. I like to think of both of these states as potential superpowers, but it can take work to make them coexist.” he reflects. “I’ve heard many heroes of mine say this and I’m finding it true for myself: whenever I’m super inspired, I have to work extra hard to connect with most people because it feels like the music satisfies my every emotional need. But as time goes on, I’m realizing more and more that there’s no substitute for real human connection. It can be somewhat of a balancing act, I suppose.”
The heavier riffing of the title track stands in contrast to the darkly hued balladry and bowed bass of “A Bedtime Story,” or the flowing rhythm and haunting melody of “Your Shadow at Sunset” and the lilting cadences of “Overhearing a Fight” (an earlier version of which can be found on Bandcamp). “Sorry to Bother, But I’m Better Now” begins ethereally, with an intro for guitar and voice that builds to a full-band performance of anthemic power. In Niilend’s fuzztone solo one might hear echoes of Jeff Beck, Robben Ford and other premier electric stylists. “The lyrics to the songs are very special to me,” Niilend adds, “and they’ve come from a very sincere place, but I’ll leave it at that,” he concludes, preferring to leave their meanings ambiguous. “I really like to leave space in a lyric to be able to revisit it in the future. I want to be able to listen to my lyrics in 10 years and still find new meanings in them.”
Alkis Niilend - guitar, additional vocals, compositions, lyrics, production
Anastasia Konstantinidou - vocals
Dimitris Tsakas - alto sax
Yiannis Papadopoulos - piano
Kimon Karoutzos - upright bass
Dimitris Klonis - drums