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The Acid Chronicles

Ni Moya

The Acid Chronicles

Label: Logarithm

Genre: Electronica / Ambient / Experimental


  • TAPE €10.99
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“When I returned home after the first Ni Moya gig in October 2021, I set up all my gear again and immediately started experimenting. I ended up recording one piece of improvisation each day, using only hardware gear. These recordings became “Labyrinthic Lake”, “Guardian’s Portal” and “Athanor”. Synthesizers and samplers, synced through sequencers, all went into an analog console and were recorded in stereo, thus allowing no room for further mixing or editing. “A Cloud of Ice” was recorded during the same period and it features field recordings and a piano. The main inspiration behind the artwork were the early computer graphics of John Whitney, that were initially used as a visual background for the live performance. This EP’s intention is to dive into cryptic subconscious waters and discover the elusive organisms that inhabit them.”