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Label: Subsound

Genre: Post Rock / Avant Rock


  • CD Digi / Cardboard €12.99
    In Stock
TRAUM is the sharing of the same horizon of interpretation of existence and music by four musicians: Luca Ciffo (Fuzz Orchestra, Il Lungo Addio) Lorenzo Stecconi (Lento) Luca T. Mai (Zu, Mombu) Paolo Mongardi (Fuzz Orchestra/Zeus!) TRAUM (”DREAM” in German) creates and shapes its music starting from the dream dimension. Whether it is an illusory, lucid, interdimensional or induced dream, the music bears witness to it and describes its various aspects, keeping the rudder to starboard like a new Ulysses returning home. Their first album is the result of almost a month living together in an old farmhouse playing, improvising and sharing their lives and their musical and cultural passions. Through a state of presence and mutual listening, the eight tracks that made up this multifaceted album were born: the music takes different shapes, conducting the listener into a journey within himself. The record is the spontaneous fruit of an urge to communicate and musically explore today’s reality, both internally and externally.