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Illusionary Reality


Illusionary Reality

Label: Made Of Stone Recordings

Genre: Stoner / Post Metal / Industrial Rock


  • LP x2 180gr €34.99
    Out of Stock
Relax, lay back and embrace the Illusionary Reality. Feel the groove of the psychedelic stonerific riffs along with the trippy solos. Enter the dream world at the ivory castle and follow the crystal river flowing from the green sea and begin on your quest for eternity. Beware of the sleeping dragon who has been kept under Orion's spell. As you proceed, be weary of sunstroke as you reach the mighty desert. For the dream state will be as strange as that of a hallucinogen. In the skyline haze, you may see a glimpse of your dreams of beyond. Through the dawning wasteland you will trek but it will be there that you find who you really are. And it is then that your journey will be complete and you will truly understand...that reality is only illusionary.

Green vinyl.