Royal Trux
Label: Fire
Genre: Rock / Pop
- LP €27.99 In Stock
As unpredictable as ever, Neil Hagerty and Jennifer Herrema shook off the next level layering and noise of ’Twin Infinitives’ to embrace the history of rock ‘n’ roll in all its deformed grandeur. Utilizing their ever present mind set of macro-inclusivity, they allowed the subconscious “radio stations” of their lives to infiltrate, lead, and dictate. Culling from their collective minds and memories twisted tunes that touched them. After the blood rush of their much-hailed avant-garde masterpiece ‘Twin Infinitives’ (1988), this eight-song opus added to the lo-fi genre that originated on ‘Twin Infinitives’.
On ‘Untitled’ Hagerty uses his 5-string blues roots and hails rock’s twisted potential, while Herrema slurs and snarls in ecstasy. They sound like they’re locked in a fourth-floor boudoir at the Chelsea Hotel; bottles clink, an album clicks on its run-out groove, the band plays on. In the mix are the characters and casualties of the 90s, a roll call of swaggering misfits. These aren’t superficial sketches, the Trux cut much deeper than that…
“‘Junkie Nurse’ isn’t just about addiction; it’s about the twisted hope that even the most broken people can somehow mend others, even when they’re falling apart themselves.” Jennifer Herrema, Royal Trux
With ‘Untitled’ Royal Trux justifiably increased their coterie of convicted followers, becoming the cult heroes for a transgressive generation, and the Rosetta Stone for male/female duos (ie:The White Stripes, The Kills etc… ) over the years inspiring everyone from The Silver Jews (David Berman) & Sonic Youth through to melodic blue-eyed soulsters like Hot Chip – “I urge and encourage you to enter the harmolodic multiverse of their music.” Alexis Taylor, Hot Chip
“Royal Trux were nothing if not fearless.” Pitchfork