Moody Alien
Harm'sbrightsmile / Civilization / Intheforest
Label: Thirsty Leaves Music
Genre: Electronica / Ambient / Experimental
- CDR €11.49 In Stock
CD edition of 50 containing 3 EPs.
Comes in a hand-made & numbered 3-panel cardboard gatefold.
"HARM'S BRIGHT SMILE" sprang out of an OuLiPo-inspired exercise on limited sound sources and would have been entirely made out of a 1 minute long harmonica recording, if it wasn't for a human voice, a guitar drone & the resulting snare drum vibration (#2) and a ride cymbal sample (#3).
"CIVILIZATION" & "IN THE FOREST" contain improvisational sound pieces for peculiar moods and were made out of a large number of instrument, field & miscellaneous recordings.