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My Summer As A Salvation Soldier


Label: 12 Tonar

Genre: Post Rock / Avant Rock


  • CD Digi / Cardboard €12.99
    In Stock

Young mister Þórir Georg Jónsson is a sensation. A poetic pop-geyser and one man band/singer songwriter of rare magnitude, peaking red on all meters and by all standards, brimming with lo-fi poetic originality, taking you places you would not expect, his music could be said to recall Elliott Smith, Xiu Xiu, The Microphones, Postal Service and why not a Nick Drake surrounded by dusted half-broken cables often used by Cex. When Þórir, pronounced "Thorir", is not trashing his electrical guitars in Reykjavik's most extreme hardcore bands he is bitter and sweet and calls himself My Summer As A Salvation Soldier (aka Thorir), an artist name that even surpasses Duran Duran in coolness.