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Montage For The Lost Time


Montage For The Lost Time

Label: Defkaz

Genre: Jazz / Avant Garde


  • CD €14.99
    In Stock
Music produced by Freecall is based on improvisation with a variety of different aesthetic approaches: it explores elements of jazz, electronic music and the symphonic Avant Garde, maintaining aspects of Dadaism as what is produced in performance cannot probably be repeated.
Through the CD recording “Montage for the Lost Time” improvisational creations are captured which carry the stigma of the group and their work: as an audiovisual group they create soundscapes where anything from basic emotions to complex constructions can be interwoven into co-existence.
Notions of time and sound are not seen as a means of creation but as autonomous mediums of a mosaic. It is thus an experiential music, in the sense that it is instantly produced through the aesthetic character of each member with the aim of a unified sound. The outcome is achieved without aesthetic limitations, in collaboration with the visual art work of video artist Vinsky.

68 minutes of music is divided into two parts and 7 tracks, included is a 7 minute art video with music created for the specific work. Vinsky has designed the CD triptych cover.