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Of Love And Death

New Zero God

Of Love And Death

Label: New Zero God

Genre: Dark / Post Punk / Gothic / Neo-Folk


  • CD €11.99
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Welcome to OF LOVE AND DEATH and the new sound of NEW ZERO GOD. A work that, as the title puts it, has to do with love and death. This is the fifth full length studio album of the band, the third concept album in a row. The recording of these eight songs took place from September to December 2024 and present a different, new sound of NEW ZERO GOD. The lyrics are a testimony of the dark adventure that the singer of the band, Mike Pougounas went through with his health. The path followed by NEW ZERO GOD, album after album, both thematically and sonically, seemed to grow a distance from FLOWERS OF ROMANCE and NEXUS, the two previous bands of Pougounas. "I started looking for a different musical identity after the first NEW ZERO GOD album, FUN IS A FOUR LETTER WORD" says Pougounas and continues "which was the final connecting link with the work I’ve done of the previous bands. It's like I said goodbye to good old me and started a journey to evolve into someone new by putting theatrical elements when NEW ZERO GOD were going on stage. So I created a Victorian era inspired character for myself." The second NEW ZERO GOD album, MMXIII (2013), originally released by the British label SECRET SIN RECORDS, opens with the song "Damaged", having lyrics inspired by the book " La Révolte des Anges" by Anatole France, but again this is not a concept album, but this is where the search for a new identity has started. The third studio album of NEW ZERO GOD, entitled SHORT TALES & TALL SHADOWS (2016) is their first concept album and opens with "King Pest the First". A song inspired by Edgar Alan Poe's short story "King Pest" with the rest of the album moving in that macabre atmosphere. "At that time I wanted our sound to give to the listener the impression that he is in a movie, a haunted world. In fact, the CD closes with crows cawing in the rain as a church bell rings mournfully in the background." It's one more reference to Poe, in order to complete the album's circle (the last song on the CD is entitled "Ouroboros" meaning the one who eats his own tail, a symbol depicted with a reptile/dragon in several ancient representations...) NEW ZERO GOD's fourth studio album was released in 2019 under the title CIRCUS OF TORTURED MELODIES and essentially describes the life of a person through 13 songs. Each song here is presented as a circus tent. The lyrics are dealing with issues such as the manipulation by family, by authorities, the failure of romantic relationships, the selling out of ideas, the destruction of the environment, the fake character that one creates in order not to be alone, etc. Situations that as a whole lead the person to paranoia. OF LOVE AND DEATH comes now to describe the battle with death, for life and love. There are lyrics that Pougounas wrote while he was hospitalized and describe hard images from moments that many people around us experience. Some of the lyrics have been written for the music and some of the music has been written for the lyrics but the album as a whole has for its sole purpose, to teach what is put by the first song: how to turn darkness into the magic of creation.