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The Cosmic Union

Lamp Of The Universe

The Cosmic Union

Label: Sound Effect

Genre: Rock / Pop


  • LP x2 €37.99
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Lamp of the Universe is a solo project by Craig Williamson, who was the vocalist, lyricist and bass player in the mighty Datura, but this is the total opposite of that group's full-on rock overload. 'The Cosmic Union' is an incense drenched mellow groove of an album, with sitars, tablas, flute, keyboards, spacious guitar and stoned trancy drumming. The authentic eastern flavoured '60s sound is comparable to Dead Flowers, Saddar Bazaar and Tangle Edge, combined with the hypnotic groove of Spacemen 3 and the spacier moments of Porcupine Tree. The perfect, opium-hazed soundtrack to those "quiet nights in".
Purple / Yellow vinyl.